E o vorbă care spune că “este mult mai ușor să previi decât să tratezi”. Acest lucru se aplică cam în toate domeniile, inclusiv în IT și este valabil și pentru orice administrator: de aplicație, de baze de date, etc.
De câte ori ne uităm peste statisticile pivind implementările de sisteme ERP, ne îngrozim când vedem cifrele mici care indică rate de succes de 20-30%. Firesc, ne intrebăm: ce se întâmplă? cum se măsoară rata de succes? este adevărat şi pentru piața româneasca? reflectă aceste statistici realitatea?
Aceste cifre arată o stare de fapt şi reflectă gradul de maturitate al industriei ERP, precum şi o realitate crudă cu care se confruntă de cele mai multe ori companiile care adoptă sisteme ERP: clienţii nu ştiu ce cumpără, iar furnizorii nu ştiu ce vând.
Acest articol încearcă să argumenteze ambele poziţii, client - furnizor, şi să sugereze posibile soluţii la această problemă cronică din industria ERP.
Even in this decade of automation, there are so many misconceptions about implementing ERP solutions. Thanks to those wrong perceptions, it seems to exist a sort of reluctance among users to adapt to ERP. According to Forrester Research, there are at least 15 myths about ERP solutions, and the most popular ERP myths refer to price, advantages, implementation and beneficiaries of the benefits of using such solutions.
Are those myths true or false? Let's see.
Turn the latent information into valuable competitive awareness by integrated BI and ERP systems
With ERP software, many businesses have become very good at gathering and inputting data. ERP software makes it easy to manage all of an organization’s data using one business software tool rather than multiple separate applications that lack interoperability. This is the strength of ERP, and many businesses have spent a great deal of money on ERP solutions, hoping they would bring forth the end of their worries.
I read an excellent article about influences of business problems over the ERP solution. In his article, Brett Beaubouef said that in business, like in real life, all of us instinctively trying to avoid or minimize problem. Or „pain”, as he named it. And also we are focused on eliminating the symptoms rather than finding the pain cause. „And we may feel temporary relieve”, noticed Brett, „but our short-term decisions only lead us to a point were the pain resurfaces and the available options to address the pain become more limited and costly.” And he proposes a three-step process to transform business pain in something good for your ERP solution.
What Google already announced a while ago, it happened. Google Docs moved to Drive! How this will affect you? In no way. Just like before, you can upload, edit, share, and create files online. And you can access your files wherever you are, from any device. And you can work with even more file types by installing Google Drive apps.
It’s never been easier to tap into the power of business analytics, whether you need to collaborate with a small team or deliver analytics and reports to thousands. How and why? Because with MicroStrategy Cloud you can deploy applications to thousands of users in weeks instead of years and, what`s most important, you can dramatically reduce project risks, cut operating costs and eliminate capital expenditures. And all those without sacrificing anything in application power, performance, and customization.
„How far is Cluj Napoca from Brașov?”. „Where do I found the first oil station on my way from Brașov to Cluj Napoca?”. You may type those phrase fast, but certainly you can say it even faster. And when you`re on the go, speed is what you`re looking for. As communication needs to evolve more quickly, Google invests in development of new technologies to improve the experience of web search on mobile devices. Voice Search allows users to search on the Internet as easy as talking on the phone. The application uses a vocal technology to transform spoken words into text and then performs the query on the Google search engine like text would be entered manually. All data are processed through technologies hosted in the cloud, not on the mobile phone, which means that the application is fast and easy to use.
Create a system of continuous performance improvement in your organization through the use of BI Applications
Business Intelligence is often defined as the array of processes and technologies that turn information into insight and action, meaning the effective application of the broad suite of data analysis tools and analytical approaches to effectively understand, predict, optimize, and prepare to take action upon current and future business activity.
Google often experimenting with new functions throughout its services portfolio. Although such features are rarely open for regular users, this time we are dealing with an exception to the rule.
Google has begun offering more details about the possibility of integrating Gmail messages, related to the searched keywords, among the results to a common search. Thankfully, personal emails aren't arbitrary slips through those results, so that can not be seen by everyone. But how does it works this new Google`s functionality? It is quite simple.