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Socrate+ ERP și Socrate Salarii compatibile cu Microsoft SQL Server 2014

Autor: Alina Răfoi

Socrate+ ERP și Socrate Salarii sunt compatibile acum cu cea mai nouă tehnologie de baze de date Microsoft SQL Server 2014.

SQL Server 2014 oferă performanță esențială datorită bazei de date cu stocare în memoria RAM integrată, capacității mult mai rapide de extragere a detaliilor de date prin instrumente familiare și platformei pentru medii cloud hibride.

Eficientizați businessul dumneavoastră cu aplicații performante

Pe măsura dezvoltării companiei, crește și volumul de date care trebuie gestionat, cresc pretențiile pe care le aveți de la baza de date care contribuie la funcționarea aplicațiilor și, implicit, a companiei. Indiferent că este vorba despre evidența stocurilor, tranzacțiile de vânzare sau gestionarea clienților, o bază de date lentă sau indisponibilă poate crea blocaje în îndeplinirea sarcinilor de către angajați și îi pot determina pe clienți să se orienteze către alte companii.

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Concepte de backup și restaurare a bazei de date Oracle

Autor: Bit Software

Concepte de backup si restaurare a bazei de date Oracle.png


Este în general recunoscut faptul că planificarea continuităţii activităţii în caz de dezastru este o activitate vitală, dar destul de rar implementată în sistemele IT medii şi mici din România. Înainte de crearea planului în sine, este esenţial să se ia în considerare efectele potenţiale ale dezastrelor şi riscurile asociate. Acestea sunt bazele pe care ar trebui să fie construit planul de continuitate sau de refacere în caz de dezastru. Planul în sine trebuie să fie întreținut, testat şi verificat, pentru a avea certitudinea că acesta rămâne adecvat nevoilor organizației.

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Ce trebuie sa urmărească un administrator de baze de date Oracle?

Autor: Bit Software

E o vorbă care spune că “este mult mai ușor să previi decât să tratezi”. Acest lucru se aplică cam în toate domeniile, inclusiv în IT și este valabil și pentru orice administrator: de aplicație, de baze de date, etc.

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How Mobile Intelligence will change everything

Autor: Bit Software

„If you're not ready to ride it, you'll be swept away by a tsunami of change that will fundamentally alter the world. And mobile computing is a tipping point technology for the information revolution, a revolution that began with writing on clay tablets, and continued through the invention of the printing press and computers. Mobile will be the catalyst that brings society the most dramatic changes of the Information Revolution”.

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The trend of the future: ERP goes mobile!

Autor: Bit Software

I said, in an earlier post, that people at Gartner claimed that the ERP solutions will become mobile. At the base of this statement lies the fact that despite the global economic downturn, it is still something that organisations are willing to invest in: mobility.

With mobile devices becoming omnipresent, the companies can benefit from improved quality of service, greater productivity or deeper business relationships. Now, it is more important how a producer chooses to sell than what they sell. For the sales teams, to have immediate and real-time data on what’s going on with orders, customers and suppliers is critical. So, ERP mobility will be a dominant force from the shop floor to each sales call where quotes, orders and contracts deliver real-time order and pricing updates.

Therefore, beyond mobile devices already integrated with ERP solutions (handheld, pocket PC, etc.), the managers and executives are already pushing for service delivery on mobile devices like iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry, Android etc. Why? Because the expectations are very high for having real-time updates on a series of benchmarks that the management team uses to manage their many businesses on mobile platforms. Plus, according also to Gartner, by 2015 the tablet market will be 479 million units and the PC market will be only just ahead at 535 million units. In other words, in three years the tablets alone are going to have effective parity with PCs. And, in most of the companies, the mobile devices will replace the traditional laptops, much heavier and more voluminous. Which will push ERP manufacturers to deliver those services including on iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, etc.

And, being able to mobilise ERP applications, the companies will achieve an important competitive advantage.

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Proven competencies - BITSoftware, Oracle Gold Partner

Autor: Bit Software

BITSoftware becames Oracle Gold Partner (OPN). The status obtained by us certifies the proven competencies of BITSoftware in providing innovative and high quality solutions based on the latest Oracle technologies.

Oracle databases are succesfully deployed in SocrateOpen installations, from small to very large ERP implementations. To obtain the Oracle Gold Partner certification, BITSoftware passed a series of tests that have certified both technical capacity and skills of its specialists in Oracle technology, through this partnership, BITSoftware receiving a rich set of benefits provided by Oracle.

By maintaining a close partnership with Oracle, BITSoftware will continue to provide its customers substantial benefits to support them in developing their business and offer an authentic competitive advantage.

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BITSoftware, official reseller of MicroStrategy

Autor: Bit Software

Yesterday, at Intercontinental Hotel in Bucharest, we launched our partnership with MicroStrategy, which means the development and distribution of the most complex and comprehensive Enterprise Business Intelligence solutions on Romanian market.

MicroStrategy is the main platform based on which Enterprise BI solutions are developed, the unique Data Warehouse architecture being the core of these solutions. Our BI expertise covers all styles of reporting: advanced web reporting, ad-hoc OLAP analysis, alert systems, predictive analysis, web and mobile dashboards. The MicroStrategy platform can be used together with our Socrate ERP systems, integrated or using the OLAP engines from Microsoft or Oracle.

In the press conference organized on this occasion, attended by both journalists and representatives of some of the largest companies operating in Romania, Remus Cazacu (right), General Manager of BITSoftware, and Juergen Loeffelsender (left), Sales Director MicroStrategy Europe asserted that „MicroStrategy works with companies that use or produce leading technology and provide products that complement their BI Platform”. „In addition, in order to become partner of MicroStrategy, a company must demonstrate it’s ability to provide high quality products and services and truly fulfill the requirements of each client. Over 10 years of experience in business intelligence implementation projects in different verticals, from FMCG manufacturing and distribution, to retail and telco, demonstrated our reliability and ability to provide professional services”, said also Remus Cazacu.

Microstrategy is a global leader in business intelligence technology, who provides integrated reporting, analysis and monitoring solutions, which allows companies to analyze all available data business in order to make better business decisions. Microstrategy customers are global leaders in their industries, like: Yahoo, Facebook, LinkedIn, Hallmark Cards, Metro Group, Carrefour, Starbucks, The Royal Bank of Scotland, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank AG, Raiffeisen Bank, Société Générale, Amway, Levi Strauss & Co, Giorgio Armani Corporation, Danone, Roche Farma, GlaxoSmithKline Pharma GmbH, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, US Postal Service, ebay, Alitalia, Scandinavian Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Lexmark, Hyundai Motors, Visa International, Deutsche Telekom AG, France Télécom, British Telecom, Telefonica, Vodafone, etc.

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Archetypes of consultancy

Autor: Bit Software

I think there are many classifications of consultancy/advice. One of them refers to client relationship with the truth. From this perspective, the consultancy would divide into two types: one where the client has access to truth (to informations), but this does not involve the participation of self manager, and another in which access to truth and its use implies an unconditional change in self-manager, spoke in terms of the ancients, that means that only who can self-govern, can govern.

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