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BITSoftware la IMWorld 2015. Ne vedem acolo!

Autor: Alina Răfoi

BITSoftware este prezentă și anul acesta la Internet & Mobile World, cel mai mare eveniment B2B din România dedicat soluțiilor digitale, mobile și de software, care a ajuns la cea de-a a patra ediție. Timp de două zile, 7 și 8 octombrie, Pavilionul Central al Romexpo va fi kilometrul 0 pentru peste 7000 de participanți business.

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Toamna vine cu funcționalități noi de la SocrateCloud pentru companiile din distribuție, logistică și construcții

Autor: Alina Răfoi

BITSoftware anunță optimizări și noi funcționalități pentru platforma ERP & CRM SocrateCloud.

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Regula de 30 de secunde sau Cum să dai UNDO SEND la e-mail din Gmail

Autor: Camelia Mihai

Vi s-a întâmplat să trimiteți un e-mail din greșeală?

Acum, cu Gmail, se poate activa opțiunea “UNDO SEND”, care vă permite să vă răzgândiți timp de maxim 30 de secunde prin afișarea unu mesaj. Gmail a lansat inițial această caracteristică în martie 2009, dar a fost ascunsă ca o facilitate experimentală în "Labs".

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Google Apps for Work - BITSoftware la Conferința “Soluții pentru dezvoltarea IMM-urilor” - 26 noiembrie, Cluj Napoca

Autor: Anca Cazacu

BITSoftware participă mâine, miercuri - 26 noiembrie - la Conferința “Soluții pentru dezvoltarea IMM-urilor, care va avea loc, începând cu ora 9:00 la Hotel Victoria din Cluj Napoca.

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Online banking în SocrateCloud - eficiență crescută și costuri reduse de operare

Autor: Bit Software

În acest moment SocrateCloud este integrat cu sistemele online banking puse la dispoziţia clienţilor de către băncile comerciale din România, respectând standardele MT100 şi MT940.

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New home for Google Docs: Google Drive!

Autor: Bit Software

What Google already announced a while ago, it happened. Google Docs moved to Drive! How this will affect you? In no way. Just like before, you can upload, edit, share, and create files online. And you can access your files wherever you are, from any device. And you can work with even more file types by installing Google Drive apps.

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Better Business Intelligence – MicroStrategy Cloud

Autor: Bit Software

It’s never been easier to tap into the power of business analytics, whether you need to collaborate with a small team or deliver analytics and reports to thousands. How and why? Because with MicroStrategy Cloud you can deploy applications to thousands of users in weeks instead of years and, what`s most important, you can dramatically reduce project risks, cut operating costs and eliminate capital expenditures. And all those without sacrificing anything in application power, performance, and customization.

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Voice Search app from Google, now available even in Romanian

Autor: Bit Software

„How far is Cluj Napoca from Brașov?”. „Where do I found the first oil station on my way from Brașov to Cluj Napoca?”. You may type those phrase fast, but certainly you can say it even faster. And when you`re on the go, speed is what you`re looking for. As communication needs to evolve more quickly, Google invests in development of new technologies to improve the experience of web search on mobile devices. Voice Search allows users to search on the Internet as easy as talking on the phone. The application uses a vocal technology to transform spoken words into text and then performs the query on the Google search engine like text would be entered manually. All data are processed through technologies hosted in the cloud, not on the mobile phone, which means that the application is fast and easy to use.

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Gmail in personal search results

Autor: Bit Software

Google often experimenting with new functions throughout its services portfolio. Although such features are rarely open for regular users, this time we are dealing with an exception to the rule.


Google has begun offering more details about the possibility of integrating Gmail messages, related to the searched keywords, among the results to a common search. Thankfully, personal emails aren't arbitrary slips through those results, so that can not be seen by everyone. But how does it works this new Google`s functionality? It is quite simple.

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How Mobile Intelligence will change everything

Autor: Bit Software

„If you're not ready to ride it, you'll be swept away by a tsunami of change that will fundamentally alter the world. And mobile computing is a tipping point technology for the information revolution, a revolution that began with writing on clay tablets, and continued through the invention of the printing press and computers. Mobile will be the catalyst that brings society the most dramatic changes of the Information Revolution”.

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