Even Indians temples implements the ERP solutions

Autor: Bit Software

I've all written about the importance and the necessity of implementing an integrated management system to optimize workflow within a company for increasing the profitability. I don`t know if many of those who read those materials, have taken seriously or have considered plain Advertising. But this is there problem, not mine. Finally, everybody does with his/her own business what he/she wants. In times of crisis, few are those who think about investing in IT systems, that`s true. And up to a point, perhaps this is understandable. What seems absurd to me is the calm and the resignation of some of Romanian entrepreneurs. Beyond the fact that they are not aware of what means an ERP system and how such a solution can get them out from the crisis, they do not make the slightest effort to discover and understand these solutions.

In this context, an information published recently on most of news feeds, made ask myself about how romanians managers understands their own businesses. Obviously, I am referring to the managers of small and medium companies, with turnovers of no more than 4-5 million euros.

The news that I am referring announce that the temples and religious institutions in India will implement the ERP solutions to manage donations and daily activity. In other words, Indians priests follows the technological trend, starting using sophisticated business solutions, in an effort to provide fast religious services. Thus, once ERP is implemented, the believers will be able to make online bookings for Darshan (visit the goddess), for Bhakta Nivas (hotel stay), will be able to buy Prasad (blessed food) or various objects that will be handed over during their visit to the temple. „After the installation of ERP, all branches will be linked.Management will know the amount of donations received and the materials used and can instantly decide on the allocation of resources for each activity”, said an official responsible for IT and ERP systems.

In other words, even the religious institutions in India have realized that to make profitable business they need to know at any time the inputs and the outputs of raw materials, finished products or services provided, the level and type of inventories and, the most important thing, how to relate and to interact with customers and suppliers.



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