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Site data collection, a critical point for construction companies

Author: Alina Răfoi

The larger a company or the more open construction sites, the more difficult it is to collect information from the construction site, which means that it is difficult to track objectives. The collection and control of information and activities on site can be done today in a much simpler and more efficient way. The complete construction solution we offer changes the way you deliver construction projects.

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SocrateERP & CRM, the solution for real estate developers

Author: Alina Răfoi

After, in 2020 and 2021, the construction industry supported the entire economy both in Romania and in Europe, following a difficult period for builders, in which the effects of the pandemic were felt. After the pandemic came the effects of the war in Ukraine: stockpiles of materials became a problem, and prices soared. All of these events will take effect years from now, because even if the war in Ukraine ends tomorrow, it may take years for the supply chains to be rebuilt, as many factories and roads have already been destroyed.


Now more than ever, the work of real estate developers depends fundamentally on exemplary planning, budgeting and execution at any stage of the project. The coordination of all activities associated with construction requires a complex IT system, which also allows integration with advanced project management solutions.

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[ebook] Digitalization: a must for professional service companies in Romania

Author: Alina Răfoi


Service companies are a real engine of the Romanian economy, and customers and the current context force them to digitize, if they have not already done so.

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SocrateCRM, the key to success in customer support

Author: Alina Răfoi


Every customer interaction is an opportunity to grow your business. A quality customer service brings competitive advantages, boosting the loyalty and recognition of the brand you represent. If your business objectives include the continuous improvement of the quality of services, BITSoftware offers you the right solution!

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BITSoftware launches SocrateStatements service to generate SAF-T reporting

Author: Dora Manolescu

SAF-T reporting (D406) is the most challenging statement for both companies and IT manufacturers. Starting in 2022, the 406 return is mandatory for large taxpayers and will be extended from 2023 to medium taxpayers, and from 2025 for almost all companies.

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Tracking construction projects by phases and subphases

Author: Alina Răfoi

Attempting to optimize the performance of a construction project can be quite difficult, and this requires careful and efficient planning in order to meet deadlines and quality standards of contracted projects.


In order to meet the growing demands of the beneficiaries, all the activities of the teams in the construction companies need to become much more efficient. The most important step in achieving this goal is to follow construction projects in phases, subphases and activities, and SocrateERP for construction ensures the fluidity of operations, optimization of time and use of resources, much fewer errors, transparency and predictability.

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New version of SocrateERP in the cloud

Author: Alina Răfoi

Find out what the latest news from the latest SocrateERP version in the cloud is and what benefits you can enjoy.

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When do you need a CRM software application?

Author: Alina Răfoi

Regardless of the size of the company you belong to, customer satisfaction is one of the most important criteria for efficient operation. But how do you know if you need a CRM solution and when is the time to make such a purchase?

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Software solutions to improve productivity in professional services

Author: Alina Răfoi

In an ideal world, employees would be happy, proactive and productive. We all want maximized productivity in our business, but what is productivity really? How do we know if it's at the level we want and how to improve it

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BITSoftware Group ended 2021 with a turnover of EUR 3.2 million

Author: Alina Răfoi

The main category of ERP solutions increased by 20%


BITSoftware, a leading IT&C company in Romania with 28 years of experience in developing business solutions, announces growing results at the end of fiscal year 2021, with total sales amounting to EUR 3.2 million. The growth comes as a confirmation of the company's position as the preferred provider of business solutions and the portfolio of software tools it makes available to its customers against the background of the opening of the local business environment to digital transformation. The main category of solutions, the organization resource management (ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning), supports a consistent increase in turnover and has registered a positive annual evolution of 20% compared to 2020.

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