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Guiding warehouse operators with FluxVision WMS

Anyone with a warehouse knows that many times when goods are delivered, workers waste time looking for the goods in the warehouse, or even if they know where the goods are, they don't go through the warehouse in the ideal order and make another trip back because they have forgotten to take a product.

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Cost reduction through sizing and continuous inventory tracking

Author: Alina Răfoi

One of the most important tasks of the purchasing department is to reduce costs by optimizing stocks. A not so easy task, because it must be constantly juggled and avoid both overstock and stock shortages. A fine line and balance quite difficult to maintain without a process of continuous tracking and optimization.

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Performance indicators, a sure way to improve warehouse efficiency and increase profit

Author: Alina Răfoi

KPI indicators are metrics that measure the performance of business processes. Performance indicators are mostly used so that the organization can make constant improvements to procedures that lead to better productivity and preserve profit margins.

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Digitalization, indispensable to meet logistical challenges

Author: Alina Răfoi

The mix of challenges in the logistics industry forces companies to exploit the opportunities to the maximum, to rethink their business model and processes according to the digital paradigm. The logistics industry, although it has an increased resistance to change due to the complexity of the processes, is among those for which digitization brings the greatest benefits.

Digital transformation requires new digital business models for companies that want to remain profitable and maintain their market position. Like most industries, transport and logistics are currently facing a series of important changes, which bring both risks and many opportunities: new technologies, changing customer expectations and new business models. Thus, logistics companies are facing an era of unprecedented change as digitalization takes hold and customer expectations evolve.

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Optimizing the warehouse for performance. Basic principles for effective warehouse management

Whether we are talking about distribution, retail, logistics services or manufacturing companies, their performance and profitability is based, to a large extent, on the efficiency and productivity of the warehouse. When it is well organized, and the activities in the warehouse are carried out efficiently, the financial results are adequate.

What does optimization for performance mean and what are the basic principles for effective warehouse management? Keep reading for finding out.

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FluxVision WMS integrations with third party applications and other devices through open API

Author: Alina Răfoi

FluxVision WMS is not only a warehouse management solution, but a flexible and extensible platform that can easily integrate with other applications useful to your organization. The API makes it easy to synchronize the warehouse management solution in real time with third-party solutions and other devices you use within the company, and allows developers to integrate the WMS at both the database level and the application, with any third-party application or with your own application.

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[Case Study] FluxVision WMS supports Maracana company's growth goals

Author: Alina Răfoi

Maracana, one of the oldest transport and storage companies with Romanian capital, made its warehouse activity more efficient and reduced working times on all operations with the help of the FluxVision WMS solution.

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Measure the activity in the warehouse

Author: Alina Răfoi

We are going through a period that forces us to reinvent ourselves and to be able to continue our activity from wherever we are. Logistics operators are some of the most requested during this period, and the last few months have shown the importance of using cloud solutions for logistics, which will allow them not to block their activity and not to disappoint their customers.


Time is one of the important indicators in storage. You're probably wondering why I chose to talk about this. Because it is one of the elements that cause the most damage. I was recently reading a word that made me think about the topic for the blog. "Time, the biggest thieves of all."

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Growing businesses attract investments in logistics (and vice versa)

Author: Alina Răfoi

Given the time we are going through, many companies have been looking for ways to support their business plans and adapt to new requirements. In particular, the retail, distribution and logistics services companies have adapted to the new requirements of the market, making the transition to omnichannel. And for this they needed quality software solutions, focused on the customer and the reaction speed.

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Frisbo - the future of logistics is in the cloud

Author: Alina Răfoi

frisbo servicii logistice

Transit, the transport and logistics business magazine, has recently published an article about Frisbo's story and the future of logistics that is in the cloud.

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