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Challenges and solutions for Services companies

Author: Alina Răfoi

The greater the challenge, the greater the effort – but the greater the reward.

How can you ensure that business decisions are based on correct and up-to-date information, that the allocation of employees and resources to projects is carried out optimally, that client budgets and deadlines are met and, above all, that you have visibility and control over all processes in the company?

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The need to use KPIs in the Professional Services sector

Author: Alina Răfoi

All organizations need a set of KPIs to measure and monitor performance at the function, department and business level.

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When do you need a CRM software application?

Author: Alina Răfoi

Regardless of the size of the company you belong to, customer satisfaction is one of the most important criteria for efficient operation. But how do you know if you need a CRM solution and when is the time to make such a purchase?

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SocrateERP streamlines project management in the Services area

Author: Alina Răfoi

In the last year, we have focused on the service industry, for which we have developed new features in SocrateERP and launched dedicated mobile applications.

We provide entrepreneurs and all those who want to automate their workflows and streamline their project management area, a complete and integrated solution. SocrateERP for Services has many benefits: increasing profitability per project, optimizing resource allocation, maximizing billed hours per project and delivering projects on time.

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Easy and fast management of maintenance services with SocrateCRM and SocrateService

Author: Alina Răfoi


As a service company, you put the constantly changing needs of end customers at the center of the business, regardless of the field in which you operate. We know that quality services offered to customers resulting from the use of technology and software solutions are the ingredients of a successful business in this sector. If you have read this article, it means that you are part of this sector and that you have identified the need for a robust and scalable system that will give you the mobility you need, as well as the ability to quickly retrieve and process your customers' information and requests. 

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The future and efficiency of operational activity through mobile applications

The future, especially of the field activity, will be carried out and monitored mainly with the help of cloud technologies and products, as well as mobile applications.


BITSoftware products and services support the Professional Services area and help companies with modern technical solutions, developed in the cloud, which know the API technology for various integrations, depending on the needs of the business.

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