Tracking construction projects by phases and subphases

Author: Alina Răfoi

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Attempting to optimize the performance of a construction project can be quite difficult, and this requires careful and efficient planning in order to meet deadlines and quality standards of contracted projects.


In order to meet the growing demands of the beneficiaries, all the activities of the teams in the construction companies need to become much more efficient. The most important step in achieving this goal is to follow construction projects in phases, subphases and activities, and SocrateERP for construction ensures the fluidity of operations, optimization of time and use of resources, much fewer errors, transparency and predictability.


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Achieving time and money goals

In construction, time means money. Timely delivery of the work is one of the key objectives, as any delay will result in penalties from the beneficiary and additional costs. To ensure that he can deliver on time, the project manager must monitor the work on a daily basis and ensure that his team advances in a timely manner. If there is a slowdown in the works (either due to unfavorable weather conditions or activities that take longer than expected, or due to lack of materials needed to complete the works), the site manager must review the plan and make the necessary changes. to ensure that the delays are as short as possible.


Cost estimates are made before work begins. Expected costs determine the profitability of the project. Once the work has started, the site manager must ensure that the budget is not exceeded, through a daily report of estimated versus estimated costs. The ability to track profitability on projects, phases and subphases helps management understand where there is room for optimization, what needs to be corrected and how profit can be maximized.


Construction project planning

In order to achieve the objectives, it is important to plan the projects, which starts from the definition of the structure. It contains information on how and when the work will be carried out in phases, sub-phases and activities, including preparatory work to be completed before construction begins. This stage is also essential for cost estimation, as they determine the price offered to the beneficiary for the work. The project manager will set the delivery dates for each phase and sub-phase, which his team must follow in order to complete the work on time and within the established budget.


Supply management

One of the critical factors for the timely completion of the project is the supply. Especially nowadays, when the industry is facing all kinds of challenges, from ever-changing costs and ever-increasing delivery time. The project manager must prepare the necessary materials, ensure that he has absolutely all the “ingredients” needed to complete the project, and implement an inventory tracking method. It is important that the supply, but also the storage of materials and equipment is done conscientiously, so as not to incur additional costs.


Construction works management on site

The project manager is responsible not only for the planning activity, but also for everything that means carrying out the works and supervising the execution teams. This means coordinating and directing the efforts of construction workers, but also the optimal use of all resources (construction materials, equipment and machinery). With SocrateERP, the development of construction works can be monitored and the quantitative-value record of all activities can be kept, by projects, phases and subphases.


Timesheet management

Because the timely delivery of the project depends on the timely completion of the works and within the planned budget as planned, the site manager must ensure the actual presence of the workers. The situation of construction timesheets is known to be difficult and complicated, time and energy consuming. Because mobile applications are increasingly in demand in the field of construction, we launched SocrateTimesheet, the mobile application that allows the introduction of timesheets in real time, directly from the site and from any device. Using the mobile application also streamlines all other time-consuming processes, such as human resource management or payroll.


With the help of the complete construction software solution, project managers or site managers organize, plan and coordinate site activities and resources, check and control construction work, ensure that they have all the material, financial and human resources needed for each stage of the project, ensure the training of subordinate personnel and ensure that the technologies of execution and operation and maintenance of equipment are observed.


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