Although Romania has one of the largest areas of agricultural land in Europe, we are in last place in the EU in terms of efficient use of agricultural land. Romania is also among the last countries in Europe in terms of digitalization and innovation in agriculture. The main reasons are the low level of understanding of the concept of digitalization and resistance to change. The use of digital technologies can have a positive impact on the quality of life in rural areas and can attract a younger generation to rural business investment initiatives.
Worldwide, agriculture has advanced significantly. By using technology, agriculture can reach an efficiency that our parents or grandparents have never seen as possible.
Jidvei Group has chosen SocrateCloud ERP, the complete solution for agriculture, to get more control over the business. The ERP system developed by BITSoftware helps improve employee productivity and have an integrated management.
Jidvei Group consists of 20 companies with varied activities: production of wine and brandy, viticulture, animal breeding, production of cereals, production of ecological building materials, bakery, hospitality and services. In terms of wine production, currently Jidvei is the third largest wine producer in Europe, with over ten million of wine bottles sold annually, its main sales market being the local one, but with export operations to major markets such as US, China, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Canada, UK, Australia or Taiwan.
Cloud involves storing data (such as text files, photo or video) and software on remote computers or servers that users can access through the internet using any device. Cloud enables companies to become mobile, people can work from anywhere. This is a faster, cheaper, more flexible and secure method than on-premises IT solutions.
One of the economic sectors that can fully benefit from the advantages of the cloud technology is agriculture. Agriculture is a fairly volatile industry and success always depends on all sorts of factors: changing seasons, the amount of rainfall or weather patterns. Given all these variables, farmers need modern tools to facilitate their work.
Agriculture is an important sector of any economy. According to the UN statistics, by 2050 few countries will have enough plough land to support the needs of a growing population. The same statistics show that by 2050 the population will reach 9 billion people. This growth can only be supported by an increase in agricultural production.
Did you know that you can now be the beneficiaries of a 200.000 EURO grant for implementing a business management software solution? Private companies, as well as public institutions, have 532 million EURO at their disposal by 2020 for IT&C projects. The total amount of EU funds allocated for 2015 is over 57 mil. EUR nationally, and the deadline for proposals submission is October,30 2015.