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SocrateERP streamlines project management in the Services area

Author: Alina Răfoi

In the last year, we have focused on the service industry, for which we have developed new features in SocrateERP and launched dedicated mobile applications.

We provide entrepreneurs and all those who want to automate their workflows and streamline their project management area, a complete and integrated solution. SocrateERP for Services has many benefits: increasing profitability per project, optimizing resource allocation, maximizing billed hours per project and delivering projects on time.

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Easy and fast management of maintenance services with SocrateCRM and SocrateService

Author: Alina Răfoi


As a service company, you put the constantly changing needs of end customers at the center of the business, regardless of the field in which you operate. We know that quality services offered to customers resulting from the use of technology and software solutions are the ingredients of a successful business in this sector. If you have read this article, it means that you are part of this sector and that you have identified the need for a robust and scalable system that will give you the mobility you need, as well as the ability to quickly retrieve and process your customers' information and requests. 

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Streamlining distribution processes with SocrateERP - a "must" in the new conditions

Author: Alina Răfoi

Companies in the distribution industry need to adapt quickly to maximize performance, increase efficiency and profitability, and ultimately maintain customer satisfaction, especially as they meet growing demands. The need to control and streamline business processes are essential conditions for success.


An ERP solution automates and streamlines distribution processes and provides accurate information in real time, so that any situation can be identified and resolved quickly.

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[eBook] Digitalization of the distribution industry - Challenges, opportunities and solutions

Author: Alina Răfoi

In an industry as competitive as distribution, the one that adapts the fastest to customer needs, the one that has the ability to evolve, to become productive and efficient, survives.

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Discover SocrateService, the mobile application for service representatives

Author: Alina Răfoi


Service representatives need mobile applications to help them run their business optimally in the field, so that they can efficiently manage their time and services, improving their quality.


To support the digitization and automation of business processes for service companies, BITSoftware launches the SocrateService mobile application, a native extension of the SocrateCloud solution

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Software solutions for the wine sector funded by the European Union

Author: Alina Răfoi

Grape and wine producers can continue to benefit from the measures of the National Support Program in the wine sector 2019-2023. The aim of the program is to increase the competitiveness of wine producers, the economic performance of enterprises, as well as to improve the winemaking technologies through which superior quality wines are obtained.

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We ended 2020 with a 10% increase of turnover

Author: Anca Cazacu

2020 - an unforeseen, complicated, strange year, in which we learned to adapt to the new conditions, to understand the impact of the pandemic on customers, partners, the market in general. A year in which we continued to develop existing business software solutions but also new solutions to meet the growing needs of companies.


We were happy to see that in Romania, too, people are quickly adapting to new communication and collaboration solutions, customers are adopting new methods to reduce costs and promoting a level of excellence in services to motivate and retain teams. Many businesses have partially or completely moved online, with increasing pressures on logistics, which have led to the rapid adoption of WMS, e-commerce, omnichannel and CRM solutions.

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SocrateRM can help IT companies maximize their performance

Author: Ioana Boie

In a business environment that is continuously changing, in a rhythm accelerated by the actual context, the need to adapt is more critical than ever.


For IT companies offering implementation and consultancy services, it is a must to satisfy their customers’ needs, as they occur; to be there for their customers, to provide them the best solutions, and to do it on time; all these, while keeping their company profitable as well.

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The future and efficiency of operational activity through mobile applications

The future, especially of the field activity, will be carried out and monitored mainly with the help of cloud technologies and products, as well as mobile applications.


BITSoftware products and services support the Professional Services area and help companies with modern technical solutions, developed in the cloud, which know the API technology for various integrations, depending on the needs of the business.

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The role of the project manager on the construction site

Author: Alina Răfoi

Some time ago, I was doing a brief review of the main tasks and the role of the project manager in the construction area. Regardless of the type of construction project, whether we are talking about civil, commercial or industrial projects, the “reins” of the  project are in the hands of the project manager. He is the one who organizes, plans and coordinates the activities and resources on site, verifies and controls the construction works, ensures that he has at his disposal all the material, financial and human resources necessary for each stage of the project, ensures the training of subordinate staff. and ensure that technologies for the execution and operation and maintenance of equipment are complied with.

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