[eBook] Digitalization of the distribution industry - Challenges, opportunities and solutions

Author: Alina Răfoi


In an industry as competitive as distribution, the one that adapts the fastest to customer needs, the one that has the ability to evolve, to become productive and efficient, survives.


The reality of the last year has fundamentally transformed distribution, and companies in the industry need to adapt quickly to maximize their performance, increase their efficiency and profitability, and ultimately maintain customer satisfaction as high as possible. Customers have increasing demands, ranging from flexible pricing, delivery conditions, and decreasing tolerance (to zero) to situations of lack of stock or delivery delays.


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  • What are the biggest challenges facing distribution companies today?
  • What are the biggest opportunities they should take advantage of? 
  • What measures can they take?
  • What solutions are offered to them by IT solution providers?




You can find out about all this from the latest ebook we provide - “Digitalizing the distribution industry - Challenges, opportunities and solutions”, which you can download here.



