Measure the activity in the warehouse

Author: Alina Răfoi


We are going through a period that forces us to reinvent ourselves and to be able to continue our activity from wherever we are. Logistics operators are some of the most requested during this period, and the last few months have shown the importance of using cloud solutions for logistics, which will allow them not to block their activity and not to disappoint their customers.


Time is one of the important indicators in storage. You're probably wondering why I chose to talk about this. Because it is one of the elements that cause the most damage. I was recently reading a word that made me think about the topic for the blog. "Time, the biggest thieves of all."

Time means money, it means customers (more or less) satisfied, it means orders sent (or not) on time, it means productivity. Time affects the performance of the warehouse and the success of any business in the logistics area. How? Here are some of the most obvious areas.


Order processing time

One of the most important KPIs for the warehouse is the duration of order fulfillment. By guiding warehouse operators in real time, delivery time and accuracy are reduced, warehouse errors are reduced, return costs are reduced, and customer loyalty is increased.


Picking and operator routes

The use of mobile terminals by operators optimizes routes according to active criteria, which saves the time allocated to operators to perform the picking operation, for example. It also reduces equipment wear, which means another saving of money.


Zero paper policy

Transmitting information in electronic format increases the speed of response of operators to new tasks in the warehouse, reduces the time required to search for the data they need and reduces operating costs.


Barcode scanning

Entering operational data by scanning barcodes also has a huge benefit in terms of time, but it also has other benefits related to eliminating errors when typing incorrectly.


Reports and performance indicators

Regardless of the complexity of the data, a WMS system in the cloud provides access to all information with a single click, no matter where you are. Warehouse and business management can be done from the warehouse, from the office or remotely.



FluxVision is the WMS solution in the cloud that helps you improve your time indicators and manage your warehouse and business from wherever you are in the best conditions.


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