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Alina Răfoi

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ERP - the fast or the right implementation?

Author: Alina Răfoi


When they conclude that they needed an ERP system, companies face a big dilemma: what solution should they choose?


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Top 5 KPIs for Distribution

Author: Alina Răfoi


Regardless of industry, the KPIs are tools for measuring performance, for knowing if your business improves or degrades and if an intervention is required.

There are several types of KPIs: strategic KPIs (market share, profit, turnover, customer satisfaction), management KPIs (resource availability, costs, budget), operational KPIs (individual performance, processes performance, products, specifications, efficiency).

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Keys to a Successful Distribution Business

Author: Alina Răfoi


Have you ever wondered what having a successful business means? A successful distribution business, like any business, starts with a successful business plan, with hard working and involved people, to help it grow "organically". This "organic" growing requires time and attention.


But how do you know if your distribution business is moving in the right direction? How can you make sure that you know at any time what happens to your money? What are the signals that you need systems for business growth? After 22 years of experience and thousands of discussions with distribution business people,

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Handlopex uses SocrateCloud, the complete ERP solution for distribution

Author: Alina Răfoi


SocrateCloud ERP and SocrateBI support Handlopex Romania in developing a multichannel distribution network of tyres and rims. In its first year of operation, Handlopex Romania generated a turnover of 1.5 million Euro and was positioned as a reliable supplier on the Romanian market.

Handlopex, a European leader in the distribution of tires, with a turnover exceeding EUR 170 million and sales of over 3 million tyres annually at group level, chose SocrateCloud, complete solution for distribution, to manage the entire activity of the new Romanian branch, which generated a turnover that exceeded 1.5 million in the first year of operation and has positioned itself as a reliable distributor on the Romanian market.

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Cross-docking, Low Stock Storage for Distribution

Author: Alina Răfoi

Cross-docking is a warehouse activity, a transfer of goods from trucks that come from a distribution center (from manufacturers in most cases) onto trucks that go to the final customers. Cross-docking means reducing or partially removing the storage activity, reducing the stock activities (inventory, putaway, transfer, etc) and, finally, the costs.

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Flexibility in Logistics Management

Author: Alina Răfoi

As mentioned previously, late last year I had the opportunity to meet a few Logistics Managers, to reconfirm the most important challenges in their field. The conclusions of these meetings were made from both the interviews and my personal observations, and among the most important challenges in logistics management was the lack of flexibility.

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Top Challenges of a Logistics Manager

Author: Alina Răfoi

Late last year, I had the opportunity to have some one-on-one meetings with several logistics managers to speak about the most important challenges of their professional life. It was not my first contact with logistics, so I knew these will be interesting discussions and hopefully long enough. I say that because their most precious and also rare resource is time.

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Jidvei Group uses SocrateCloud, the Complete Solution for Agribusiness

Author: Alina Răfoi



Jidvei Group has chosen SocrateCloud ERP, the complete solution for agriculture, to get more control over the business.  The ERP system developed by BITSoftware helps improve employee productivity and have an integrated management.


Jidvei Group consists of 20 companies with varied activities: production of wine and brandy, viticulture, animal breeding, production of cereals, production of ecological building materials, bakery, hospitality and services. In terms of wine production, currently Jidvei is the third largest wine producer in Europe, with over ten million of wine bottles sold annually, its main sales market being the local one, but with export operations to major markets such as US, China, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Canada, UK, Australia or Taiwan.

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Cloud Benefits for Agriculture

Author: Alina Răfoi


Cloud involves storing data (such as text files, photo or video) and software on remote computers or servers that users can access through the internet using any device. Cloud enables companies to become mobile, people can work from anywhere. This is a faster, cheaper, more flexible and secure method than on-premises IT solutions.


One of the economic sectors that can fully benefit from the advantages of the cloud technology is agriculture. Agriculture is a fairly volatile industry and success always depends on all sorts of factors: changing seasons, the amount of rainfall or weather patterns. Given all these variables, farmers need modern tools to facilitate their work.

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The Secret of Intelligent Agriculture

Author: Alina Răfoi

Agriculture is an important sector of any economy. According to the UN statistics, by 2050 few countries will have enough plough land to support the needs of a growing population. The same statistics show that by 2050 the population will reach 9 billion people. This growth can only be supported by an increase in agricultural production.

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