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Alina Răfoi

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New opportunities for the new year

Author: Alina Răfoi


The beginning of the year is the ideal time to analyze the results achieved in the past year and to plan for the current year. For all is a good time to make strategic plans to evaluate what worked and what did not, and to plan resources in line with business objectives.

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Free data discovery for everyone with MicroStrategy Desktop

Author: Alina Răfoi




We are pleased to announce that MicroStrategy Desktop is now free, for everyone.


MicroStrategy Desktop is a powerful data discovery tool that empowers business and IT users to access data and build dashboards within minutes. You can now connect to over 70 popular data sources, from personal spreadsheets, to relational databases, Hadoop, and more—at no cost. Available for both Mac and PC, Desktop lets you visualize information in hundreds of ways and empowers everyone in your organization to make insightful decisions on their own.

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SocrateCloud ERP & BI, decision support system for construction

Author: Alina Răfoi

According to Euroconstruct, a European leader forecast construction market, the construction market in Central and Eastern Europe continues its contraction recorded recently, but the Romanian forecast for 2016 - 2017 is a favorable one, mainly due to the expected increase in residential and non-residential projects. According to the same source, Romania recorded the greatest increase of the construction market in Europe.

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[Free eBook] 7 recipes for a successful construction company

Author: Alina Răfoi

Construction companies have several ongoing projects in different areas and at different stages. Because the option to visit each site every day is not viable, managers can closely monitor and control the execution of each project and therefore they are not able to control and streamline the business as a whole.

We will discuss further about the special tools that managers have at their disposal to calculate the exact costs of a project, how to improve the way they report on project profitability cand how to plan resources.

We provide seven recipes that any construction manager can implement to have a successful business. 

Download this free eBook and see how big construction companies have streamlined business using SocrateCloud, the ERP solution for construction developed by BITSoftware.

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SocrateCloud, new functionalities

Author: Alina Răfoi


Socrate Cloud, a comprehensive cloud business platform, is approaching the end of the year with a new version. Our customers now benefit from new functionalities that streamline even more their business activities. The latest version of SocrateCloud comes with over 30 new features and here’s the most significant improvements.

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Google rebrands its business apps as G Suite and announces new upgrades

Author: Alina Răfoi

At the end of September Google Apps for Work celebrated 10 years and has decided to change its name to G Suite. In addition to this rebranding, Google announced a series of enhancements and new functionalities for G Suite, which includes applications such as Drive, Docs, Calendar or Hangouts.

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What to expect when you implement an ERP for construction

Author: Alina Răfoi



Typical reactions associated with implementing and using an ERP solution come in a wide range. They start from "it is very different than it was before" and they end with "wow, what a difference!". What makes the difference? Choosing the right ERP system should be based primarily on the operational side - how well does the system meet the business requirements of a company in the construction business.

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SocrateCloud ERP for Construction Increases Efficiency

Author: Alina Răfoi


Optimizing business performance for construction companies can be an overwhelming job. Enhancing performance requires careful planning and efficient production to fill orders for time-sensitive construction projects. Increased efficiency in every department from purchasing, to warehouse management to sales and finance is required to meet the growing demands of clients in the construction industry. Below is a summary of the primary responsibilities facing manufacturing companies and the ways that SocrateCloud ERP for construction increases efficiency for construction projects.  


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Distributors, Improve The Following 7 Aspects of Your Business Through the SocrateCloud ERP

Author: Alina Răfoi


For distributors and other businesses touching inventory, a great enterprise resource planning system like SocrateCloud ERP provides significant advantages over managing your business through in-house and piecemeal solutions. 

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The Best Tools and Techniques to Improve Supply Chain Management

Author: Alina Răfoi



Supply chain management focuses on the process of getting a product from the ground or delivery of raw goods into the hands of the consumer. However, in practice that requires a lot of complicated procedures to manage closely, and doing so efficiently and cost-effectively requires a powerful software tool.


Whether you're managing a warehouse or a group of warehouses, here are the requirements for a robust supply chain management software program.


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