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Alina Răfoi

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Perspective on the distribution of auto parts and accessories

Author: Alina Răfoi


The auto parts distribution business exceeds the 1 billion euros in annual sales. Over 50% of sales are generated by the top 10 distributing companies, with the remainder being shared among other industry players.

The development of companies in this sector depends on how they integrate in their strategy a number of factors such as:

  • Improving customer experience through the quality and diversification of parts and accessories portfolio
  • Diversification and structure of customer portfolio
  • The usage of modern technologies with a very significant impact on the development and growth of the competitive advantage
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Improving operational efficiency for the building materials distribution industry

Author: Alina Răfoi


Whether you distribute bricks, adhesives, mortar or cement, the building materials distribution industry is full of difficult requirements throughout the supply channel. Distributors of building materials face demand fluctuations depending on various factors, such as weather conditions, seasonality, etc. Distributors of building materials need a scalable and flexible ERP solution with advanced functionality capable of meeting the requirements of each department from receiving the order, processing it, inventory supply and control and delivery until the invoice is registered and collected.

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Technology supports the ambitious development plans of construction companies

Author: Alina Răfoi


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New features for SocrateCloud ERP

Author: Alina Răfoi


SocrateCloud ERP, the cloud-based business platform, completed the first quarter of 2017 with many new features that industry users can use to streamline their business. Let's take a quick overview of the most important ones.

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Information cuts costs in wholesale distribution

Author: Alina Răfoi


In such a competitive environment where the margins are very difficult to keep, one of the surest way to increase the efficiency and profitability of wholesales distribution companies is to reduce operating costs. When companies become uncertain about their income, the business model or the effectiveness of their operations, they gaze back to the information generated by all departments that helps them analyze, find ways to improve and develop winning strategies.

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SocrateCloud Opens New Business Horizons for Okian

Author: Alina Răfoi is the largest online bookstore in Romania, offering over one million titles of professional, educational and fiction books of over 12,000 publishers worldwide. Okian is a project developed by Prems Librexim Brasov, a Pearson Longman ELT distributor in Romania and general distributor of educational books. 

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GSuite - new tools for optimizing teamwork

Author: Alina Răfoi

Google Drive has always made it easy for individuals to safely store, sync and share files. But as larger companies move to the cloud, there's more to think about — like the risk of data breaches, bumpy migrations, and compatibility with legacy tools. Our team has been working hard to solve these complexities for the enterprise. That’s why we're introducing powerful additions to Drive that can help your organization:

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SocrateCloud supports Frisbo in its development

Author: Alina Răfoi


The No. 1 specialist in e-Fulfillment solutions uses SocrateCloud to meet its growth objectives.

Frisbo is the first e-fulfillment platform launched in Romania in 2014. Frisbo owns a 1400 square meters warehouse in Brasov, and last year expanded its portfolio with 13 new companies, reaching a total of 45 customers, for which it covers the entire operational and logistic process.

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Better business decisions with a business intelligence software solution

Author: Alina Răfoi


Huge amounts of data are generated each day are a challenge or an opportunity to develop. Organizations that understand the potential of effectively analyzing data and quickly respond will be those which will be most competitive. Do you want to make your business decisions faster? The following are some of the most important reasons to adopt a Business Intelligence solution.

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Upgrade and expand your production capacity and streamline your business using ERP, CRM, BI or WMS systems

Author: Alina Răfoi


This year small and medium companies can increase their profitability and maximize business potential through European funding.

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