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This is the place where we share experience, innovation and thoughts with the community

Alina Răfoi

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Recent Posts

Reduce inventory levels through continuous tracking

Author: Alina Răfoi

Stocks are money, money is blocked. Therefore, some of the most important tasks in both production and distribution are to reduce stock levels and at the same time avoid out-of-stock situations. A fine line and a fairly difficult balance to maintain if there is no continuous tracking and optimization process implemented.

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The new BITSoftware site, a specialized content platform

Author: Alina Răfoi

The new BITSoftware site ( ) now has customized content for the industries we are addressing, because we want to evolve and be with customers, potential customers and partners all the time with more diverse information. In the new website, you discover a user-friendly interface with a fresh design and that ensures faster access to the information you need from any device.

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The right stock at the right location at the right time, delivering more profit with less stock

Author: Alina Răfoi

In retail, due to the increasing and more complex flow of goods generated by e-commerce and the order processing time that gets shorter and shorter (from order to delivery), the logistics costs of warehouses are rising. Throughout the supply chain, the warehouse faces the greatest cost-related challenges. Why? Because the number of orders is increasing, the delivery methods have become more complex, and the warehouse is also handling B2B and B2C orders, each with its own specificity. This requires great flexibility, making planning work more difficult because of orders, which must be packaged and shipped in the same way, which means that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to make an advance planning.

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BITSoftware News

Author: Alina Răfoi

We started the week full of energy and good will and prepared a special article in which we try to briefly present the latest and freshest information about our work.

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Manage your time more efficiently with the new G Suite Calendar

Author: Alina Răfoi

The new G SuiteCalendar comes with a fresh look and new features designed to help us manage our time and tasks more efficiently, but also to better prepare for them.

More details about the meeting rooms

G Suite administrators now have the ability to enter detailed meeting room information so that employees know where they are located, how big they are, and whether they have audio and video playback equipment that may be needed for presentations.

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MicroStrategy, analytics for everyone

Author: Alina Răfoi

With each new release, MicroStrategy takes a new step towards the business analytics system of the future. Version 10.9 comes with dozens of improvements and new features that make it more accessible and collaborative.

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The Role of a Construction Project Manager

Author: Alina Răfoi


Whether we are talking about the construction of a production hall or apartment building, the project is completely in the hands of a project manager. The construction project manager is the one who organizes, plans and coordinates the site's activities and resources, checks and controls the construction works, ensures that it has all the necessary material, financial and human resources for each stage of the project, ensures the training of the staff and ensures that the technologies for the construction, operation and maintenance of the equipment are respected.

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Digitization in constructions - why resistance to change is no longer an option

Author: Alina Răfoi


Although the benefits of using IT solutions are obvious, the construction sector is among those that adopt technological innovations fairly slowly and slowly, and there are inconsistencies between data on construction sites and those arriving at offices. The acute shortage of qualified personnel and the growing demand for constructions companies to bring about the need to deeply change the way they work and to adopt technological solutions to help them improve their management of constructions projects and to increase their profits.


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The retail revolution requires investments in technology

Author: Alina Răfoi


15 years ago, the biggest "gurus" of the internet predicted a retail revolution that we are living today. Retail is now livelier and more dynamic than ever. The major influences were the urbanization and use of the internet, especially the mobile one, in all day-to-day activities. They all have completely changed consumer behavior, and retailers who want to keep pace with their needs and expectations should also evolve.

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How to take decisions based on information, not on intuition

Author: Alina Răfoi


Business Intelligence tools provide organization management with information about the "health" of the business and help in making strategic decisions. The function of BI software solutions is to assist the management team to monitor the performance of the company. At the same time, together with ERP solutions, they ensure the proper use and traceability of all company resources, resulting in transparency of transactions and contributing to increased profitability.

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