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SocrateERP, full functionality for service companies

Author: Alina Răfoi

Easily manage customer requirements and increase service quality


The companies that offer services vary greatly depending on the field in which they operate, the size and the services they offer to customers. Despite all these differences, they are similar in terms of business model, all their activity focusing on projects, resources and customers. Three very important aspects, but not at all easy to manage.

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Remote work, the new normal

Author: Alina Răfoi

The remote work came overnight before we could really test how the work with the entire remote team would work. We had to find the necessary resources to face the new professional challenges and the new face of the professional environment, the new virtual and collective workspace.


The teams had to adapt to the new working conditions, and this also meant keeping and improving our distance communication and collaborative work skills, because at work everything became virtual - meetings with customers , daily or weekly meetings with the team, documents and even conversations with colleagues "in the hallway".

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Streamlining business relations by integrating your ERP system with EDI technology

Author: Alina Răfoi

Business models are changing under the impact of new technologies, as well as other factors (economic, political, etc.). At the same time, companies have their own development strategies that involve innovation, market differentiation, higher profitability, attracting and retaining talent or social responsibility projects.


What does transformation mean? In essence, it is about more efficient processes, more dynamic and flexible decisions that involve the whole organization. However, creating an agile and flexible organization is a huge challenge, which is why there is a constant need for innovation, operational improvement or new ways of working with technology.

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Logistics services industry, trends and challenges

Author: Alina Răfoi

The logistics services industry is one of the industries that must be most adaptable to economic, political or any other conditions. Despite all the constant pressures (fuel price, lack of qualified staff, lack of investment in infrastructure and, especially, constant customer pressure in the area of ​​applied tariffs, logistics service providers are forced to meet all these challenges, but also to create development opportunities.

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Digitalization represents the future in construction

Author: Alina Răfoi


A report by the American company Mulesoft and quoted by the "Construction Agenda" says that 75% of managers believe that the lack of digitalization affects companies' revenues. The same study shows that the digital transformation has become a strategic imperative for most companies (92% of respondents), as they have ongoing or planned investments in the digital area for the next 12 months.

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Keep cash flow in balance in times of crisis

Author: Alina Răfoi

“Cash flow is King”. This is a reality that you need to pay special attention to, especially in times of crisis.


For all organizations, regardless of size or field of activity, cash flow management is a topic of maximum interest, the continuation and success of the business depending on it. A sudden economic change, such as the pandemic, can affect cash flow quite quickly, which is why business people need to be prepared with the necessary tools to help them overcome any problem related to an unstable cash flow.

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Increasing the profitability and efficiency of business processes through software robots

Author: Alina Răfoi

Regardless of the size of the company or the field in which it operates, there are repetitive operations and tasks, such as standardized emails / notifications, reports, invoices. Recently, however, the digital transformation of the company by automating certain business processes with the help of software robots has started to be discussed more and more often.

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BITSoftware supports Romanian companies in accessing external financing for digitalization and automation

Author: Alina Răfoi

Although in Romania the IT sector is in a continuous expansion, our country is one of the last places in the European Union in terms of digitalization. We have been talking about digital transformation for several years now and it is more than clear that digitalization and automation are at the top of the development strategies of organizations globally. The next few years will be critical from this point of view, and the organizations will have to adapt, otherwise they will not be able to resist the market.


In recent months, many companies have found themselves reinventing themselves to provide employees with the tools they need to work remotely, safely, and have had to rethink, digitalize and automate processes.

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SocrateERP for better informed and real-time decisions in times of crisis

Author: Alina Răfoi

The emergence of a crisis is certainly the biggest test of performance given to businesses. Closure of workspaces, social distancing, as well as all measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus result in an unprecedented increase in demand for solutions that facilitate team collaboration, but also cloud ERP and CRM solutions.


The flexibility and ability of a business to adapt its activity to changes at national and global level is very important. In order for managers to be able to make the best decisions in the shortest possible time, they need management solutions capable of satisfying the need for speed, agility and scalability of businesses.

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Cloud-based email, saving time and money

Author: Alina Răfoi

The experience of the last 2 months has shown us (if needed) that the present and the future are in the cloud. In order to be able to carry out our activity in the best conditions, without hassle, from wherever we are, whether we stay at home or return to the office, the applications that are in the cloud help us more. And the first thing we need every day when we start our work day is email.


Because we are organized people and we like lists, let's see the list of benefits that the cloud-based email brings.

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