SocrateERP for better informed and real-time decisions in times of crisis

Date: 25-05-2020
Author: Alina Răfoi

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The emergence of a crisis is certainly the biggest test of performance given to businesses. Closure of workspaces, social distancing, as well as all measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus result in an unprecedented increase in demand for solutions that facilitate team collaboration, but also cloud ERP and CRM solutions.


The flexibility and ability of a business to adapt its activity to changes at national and global level is very important. In order for managers to be able to make the best decisions in the shortest possible time, they need management solutions capable of satisfying the need for speed, agility and scalability of businesses.

The basic solution for efficient management of any business is the ERP software solution. It provides an overview of the company's performance and well-being. An ERP solution in the cloud offers scalability, flexibility, and adaptability. ERP expenses can be planned much easier thanks to the subscription that is paid monthly or annually. Cloud technology also means that there is no need for infrastructure or IT staff to manage the infrastructure, and if necessary, the application can be expanded much more easily than the old on-premise solutions. We also wrote about the benefits of the cloud here.


SocrateERP helps entrepreneurs to have a clear overview of their business at all times. They have access at any time and from anywhere to all information related to the business in a centralized way. This allows them to make informed decisions quickly, to adapt their work so that they respond as well as possible to changes in industry or the economy.


The periods of crisis, precisely those moments when sales and commercial activity are more relaxed, are the most suitable to implement, even remotely, an ERP system. This is the only way to make a qualitative leap in terms of organization management through flow automation and operational efficiency.


How does SocrateERP help you in the cloud in times of crisis? Here is a brief summary of the benefits:


  • Through the availability of the system in the cloud, with technical advantages and cost reduction
  • By automating and maintaining control over financial transactions
  • By optimizing cash flow
  • With 100% fast online access to financial information and real-time reports
  • By reducing costs (no licensing or upgrade to new versions)
  • By increasing employee productivity
  • Through the architecture that allows the easy extension of the application for specific needs and integrations with other software
  • By making the information available in a single solution that can carry out the usual activities and work processes as if the whole team were at the office
  • Through a quick implementation, in weeks, not in years, which can be done remotely
  • With an optimized adoption rate compared to on-premise solutions, without wasted time for installation, it is immediately available to users


We live in times when decisions made too late or based on misinformation can lead to real disasters. The strategy for the next period must be based on optimizing the company's resources and organizing the information with the clear aim of providing decision-making support and, last but not least, the use of the opportunities offered by technology. The managers who will reap the benefits of technology and innovative software solutions will be those in the statistics, who will have survived this crisis.


Do you have a specific question or are you looking for an ERP solution for your company? Contact us and talk to one of our specialists!




