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Alina Răfoi

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BITSoftware at TaxEU Forum

Author: Alina Răfoi

TaxEU Forum is the most important local and tax event which will be taking place on February 4 and 5 in Bucharest. The 10th edition brings together the best speakers in the field of taxation and accounting and their objective is to provide an overview of the main tax regulations and their effects in the current economic context.

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9 Methods to Outsmart Your Competition

Author: Alina Răfoi

At the beginning of each year, we set new goals for the year to come for personal, as well as professional life. Most of the times, business goals are easier to set: increase the volume of sales, increase the turnover, increase productivity or make smarter investments. But you have to admit it, as it’s always on your mind: you want to outsmart the competition. As easier as it is to set these goals, just making a nice list is not enough. If you want to make it happen, you have to set a plan of actual actions. Otherwise, your dreams will remain just that – dreams. And if you want to put in place a realistic plan, you need correct and structured information and analysis. You need an integrated business system.

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IoT and AR to Transform Logistics in 2016

Author: Alina Răfoi

Logistics is an area about which we discuss a lot as it is an area in constant transformation. What causes this transformation? Changes in technology flows, increased production or rapid evolution of e-commerce all cause the same result: logistics transformation.
Let’s see how the future of logistics or the logistics of the future looks like!

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The emergence of omnichannel supply chain

Author: Alina Răfoi

As mentioned in our previous article, e-commerce has completely changed the face of commerce. The world is in a continuous transformation and the most important factors to influence success are time and information. This is what the best performing companies do: give as much information as possible about their products through all the existing channels and ensure a rapid delivery. That’s why e-commerce companies had to adapt to customers’ expectations and find new distribution channels. Innovation and agility are essential for success in business.

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Growing E-Commerce Forces Transformation in Distribution

Author: Alina Răfoi


Even since its beginning, e-commerce has transformed the way stores sell their products and how buyers buy them. Let’s consider the following figures:

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Data is More Secure in Cloud than On Premises

Author: Alina Răfoi


If cloud architecture were a human being, then it would be in its teens. Companies are still undecided about migrating to the cloud, because the cloud security related opinions are very divided, making cloud's image quite insecure. Consciously or not, we all use (more or less) cloud services. Only when it comes to sending sensitive data in the cloud, we begin to question their safety.

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Cloud Market Trends for Romania

Author: Alina Răfoi

During the IMWorld 2015 event, Remus Cazacu, General Manager and Founder BITSoftware, was invited along with representatives of Microsoft Romania and Spearhead to debate the cloud market trends in Romania.

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Transilana Improves by 40% the Delivery Lead Time with SocratePlus ERP

Author: Alina Răfoi

Established in 1936, Transilana is a worsted spinning mill, with an annual production of 750 to 800 tons, 150 employees and a 6,5 million Euro turnover. Experience and tradition led Transilana to be one of the leaders in this industry nationwide, with the widest offer of high-level products. This was possible thanks to a constant investment program, a permanent preoccupation for an efficient organization of production and not lastly the employees innovative efforts.

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ERP is Innovation Engine for CFOs

Author: Alina Răfoi

The end of the year is the ideal time for making major decisions for next year. For CFOs in particular it is the best time to analyse the results, make strategic plans, evaluate what worked and what did not , and align the resources with the business objectives.

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New Version of SocratePlus: Contract Management, Traceability and Optimizations for Logistics

Author: Alina Răfoi

Socrate Plus is an integrated management system developed by BITSoftware since 1994 and implemented in dozens of Romanian companies in distribution, retail and FMCG. The solution has been enriched every year with new features for ease of use and to give customers the opportunity to become more efficient. The new version comes with new features in the area of ​​logistics, contract management , document traceability, press distribution and with a friendlier and more flexible user interface. Our purpose is to make the information more accessible and reduce time spent on daily operational activities, allowing users to focus on activities that add value to the company.

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