Socrate Payroll, always up to date with legislative changes

Author: Alina Răfoi

We have already been accustomed to coming up with new legislative changes every year and beginning of the year. Neither the 2018 end disappointed us and came up with important legislative changes. Two of them were the minimal wage differentiated and the granting of tax incentives to construction companies.


Clipboard-payrollInitially, these changes did not come with the application rules, which caused a problem of how they can be applied. Our specialists have responded promptly in the short space of time since publishing the changes and provided support to customers who did not understand these changes and how they apply to certain cases.


Differentiated minimum salary


The novelty is that starting with this year, besides the guaranteed minimum minimum wage, we are also talking about a minimum wage differentiated according to certain criteria. One of these is that of people with higher education who have at least one year of seniority in the chosen field and who will have a gross minimum salary of 2350 lei.

Another introduced criterion concerns construction workers, where the minimum gross wage will be 3000 lei if the company meets certain conditions.

Therefore, the employer is obliged to pay the minimum wage according to the three new criteria:

  • minimum gross wage in the country - 2,080 lei

  • minimum gross wage differentiated for studies - 2,350 lei

  • gross minimum wage for the construction sector - 3,000 lei

Minimum wage in the construction sector


For 2019 it was decided that the minimum wage in the construction sector would be 3,000 lei. In this case, of the four taxes due to the state, only two will be paid, namely the contribution to the social security budget and the labor contribution.


For the current year, we are looking at new developments that respond to customer requirements, responding to new situations that occur in practice. Socrate Payroll customers are always up to date with legislative changes and will continue to benefit from all of these updates at no additional cost, and employees in human resources departments earn time and money.


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