How we work and communicate with the remote team

Author: Alina Răfoi

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The home office was until recently an option for companies that wanted to give their employees the freedom to choose where they want to operate. For several days, however, the home office has become a necessity. This way of working has both advantages and disadvantages, which is why we must all find our balance, create a routine and adapt the working methods and tools for ourselves and the teams we are part of, so that we are as productive as before and not losing the team spirit.


Managing people is one of the most difficult elements of working from a distance, because everyone will respond differently to change and the challenges of the home environment. Leaders need to motivate the whole company by establishing a clear direction and communicating it effectively. Realistic vision and perspective have a strong effect on motivation within the organization. It is essential to encourage a results-based culture that motivates people, while insisting on open, honest and productive communication.


The best example is our own, so here are some methods and tools that we apply at the level of our organization to work well as a team and to be productive.


Communication is the key


There's nothing new here. Communication is key, especially when we are at a distance from each other. Most of the time, poor communication between people and teams working remotely causes productivity to decline. According to a study conducted in 2018 regarding the distance work by one of the recruitment platforms in Romania, 15% of the respondents stated that they have difficulty communicating and exchanging information with colleagues or the direct manager.


The fact that we have such a wide variety of channels and communication tools is a real help. We just have to choose the right channel for each particular need.


  • Video conferencing (via Google Hangout or Amazon Chime) is great for discussing complicated topics in real time and creating a sense of community, but requires team-level coordination and focus.
  • The chat (Google Hangout or Slack, mostly used by development teams) is better suited for quick and short questions and answers, which can help us synchronize well with the team.
  • The email can be used to communicate more formally.

Tips for remote teamwork


McKinsey specialists give us some tips on how we should organize our teams so that we can be just as efficient even if we work from a distance:


  • Create small teams with clear goals and a common goal
  • Opt for frequent communication. The way of communication is as important as the message transmitted.
  • Encouraging a personal connection, empathy for one another is much more important when working remotely.
  • Establish clear working procedures and lines of authority that are clear to all employees.
  • Choose the right channel of communication so that your work time is not fractured and your productivity drops.
  • Use technology to help you communicate and work well as a team.


To see which methods work best for your team, you must be curious and willing to test and see what suits you. Adopting a "try, test, change or keep" mentality is what allows us to quickly adapt to what is happening around us. And adaptation means survival in a constantly changing world.


If you would like to find out more details about the solutions of efficiency of the activity, contact us and together with our specialists we will find the ones that best suit you.


Do you need more information?
Contact us now and talk to one of our specialists.



