BITSoftware offers 3 new services: Socrate SAF-T, Socrate e-Invoice and Socrate e-Transport as support in the digitization of the tax system

Author: Alina Răfoi

SAF-T e-Factura e-Transport Blog

2022 is a reference year in terms of the evolution of taxation in Romania. ANAF has taken great steps towards digitalization, especially to facilitate the relationship with the business environment. This term is by no means a new one, but its adoption in Romania was difficult and long delayed, bureaucracy remaining one of the most troublesome aspects of business.

On the digitalzation level, quite a lot of progress was seen this year: the process of connecting the cash registers to the ANAF system, the SAF-T system, the electronic invoice (RO e-Factura) and e-Transport, the monitoring solution, was completed of the transport of goods with high fiscal risk, have also already become mandatory.

The purpose of these new tax reports is to create a much greater level of transparency in the relationship between taxpayers and tax authorities. The objectives of the implementation of these new reports, both for the business environment and for the tax administration, are to reduce the time for carrying out the tax control, to reduce the related costs, but also to simplify or even eliminate certain tax declarations.

As a dedicated supplier of business systems, we analyzed the complexity of the requirements of the new fiscal reporting, the range of data to be provided, the variation and specificity in ERP implementation and came up with solutions that meet the new requirements, through 3 new services, respectively: Socrate SAF-T, Socrate e-Invoice and Socrate e-Transport.

Socrate SAF-T, fully automated reporting

In May we launched Socrate SAF-T for generating the D406 declaration offered exclusively as a SaaS service in the AWS Cloud. The solution was designed to integrate with SocrateERP, but also with third-party IT systems or specialized applications.

The BITSoftware team also provides you with support and implementation services for using the Socrates SAF-T service to generate the mandatory reporting, as well as documentation with the steps to be followed to obtain the statement. Details about the solution can be found here: 

Reduce the time and costs of sending invoices with Socrate e-Invoice

For economic operators who sell products with high fiscal risk (B2B) and those who carry out economic activities in relation to the state (B2G), who have the obligation from July 1 to issue electronic invoices and transmit them through the national RO e-Invoice system, according to the provisions of GEO no. 120/2021, approved with amendments by Law no. 139/2022, BITSoftware launched Socrate e-Invoice for entrepreneurs to benefit from the simplification of commercial relations, transparency and greater trust in business partners.

The new service, Socrate e-Invoice, offers the registration of invoices at ANAF in electronic format, in accordance with the legislation that introduces the National Electronic Invoicing System RO e-Invoice for public institutions and companies operating in Romania, according to GEO 120/2021. More details about Socrate e-Invoice can be found here: 

Socrate e-Transport for monitoring the transport of goods with high fiscal risk

The newest service launched by BITSoftware, Socrate e-Transport, ensures the declaration to ANAF of the road transport of goods with high fiscal risk on the territory of Romania, in accordance with the legislation introducing the national system "RO e-Transport", according to GEO 41/2022 . The national RO e-Transport system ensures the monitoring by ANAF of these transports by generating a unique registration code for each transport - UIT, which will be clearly mentioned on the accompanying documents of the transport.

Find more details about the Socrate e-Transport service on the dedicated page: 

These 3 SaaS services developed by BITSoftware, native to the AWS Cloud, are offered on a subscription basis with a variable cost depending on the volume of transactions that need to be processed. These are available both to our SocrateERP customers, for the two versions, on-premise and cloud, as well as to third-party business software application providers. For more details about the available packages, we invite you to write to us at




