BITSoftware actively supports the digital transformation of the construction industry

Author: Alina Răfoi


The pandemic context has further contributed to accelerating the digital transformation in the business environment. No industry has remained immune, and the construction sector is no exception to this rule. Although the adoption rate of digitalization in construction has been lower in recent years, and companies remain quite reluctant to change, since last year, we have noticed an increase in interest in software solutions, a trend that remains active today.


According to a study carried out by Valoria in partnership with, the main benefits that the digitization process brings to construction companies are: simplification of processes (78%), increase of operational efficiency (67%) and reduction of costs (56%).


Although the pandemic has managed to bring down certain sectors of the economy, the construction industry in Romania is constantly growing according to data provided by the Institute of Statistics, despite the difficulties it faces. The construction market is at a key juncture caused by rising commodity prices, a lack of skilled labor in the field, but also a continuous adaptation to the sustainability requirements that companies must meet. Digital transformation and automation in construction are the first steps that the construction industry must take as quickly as possible.


An ERP system is one of the main tools that helps construction companies meet current challenges. BITSoftware is a company that has been operating on the Romanian market for 28 years and offers its customers solutions that will help them to adapt optimally to the new paradigm of the digital age.


With the help of construction software solutions you can manage the entire activity of one or more sites in terms of resource allocation, material orders, deliveries, consumption, everything fully integrated.


Here are some of the most important things BITSoftware solutions can help you with:


Construction site control

Site managers can enter and consult data in the system at any time. The most important information is the consumption or reception of materials on projects, timesheets and equipment. You will know at all times when and with what materials you need to procure for construction projects, so that there are no delivery delays.


Mobile application for timekeeping directly from the construction site

SocrateTimesheet allows team leaders or site managers to take over the timesheets directly on their mobile or tablet for subordinate employees on their ongoing projects, being available to enter the hours worked at the phase and subphase level. The application is very intuitive and easy to use, works online and offline, has a friendly interface and is suitable for companies regardless of size. It also streamlines all other processes arising from timekeeping: human resources management, payroll, etc.


Construction project management

Project management involves tracking the implementation and stage of each construction project. This means that for each project there is in the system a detail of it at the level of phases and subphases and for each of them the consumption of materials, the consumption of hours, the possible contracts with the service providers are followed according to the estimates. For each project, phase, subphase and activity, a comparative report can be generated - forecasted versus realized.


Tracking of equipment and machinery

Equipment and machinery are indispensable in any construction project. That is why it is necessary to monitor them, both the time allocated to the project, phases or sub-phases, and the related costs. For each piece of equipment or machinery, the hours worked, the diesel consumption, as well as the number of kilometers traveled are recorded.


Real-time reporting

Every construction manager wants to have control over his ongoing projects and the relationship with customers and suppliers, so that he knows the status of projects, costs and revenues and what the profit is in real time. With the help of dedicated reports, construction companies can track their profitability in real time, both at project and company level, consumption of materials, consumption of hours, effort, equipment and transportation achieved versus those planned at level of phases, sub-phases and project, cash flow reports, costs of completed versus planned projects, ongoing production, unpaid balances or unallocated expenses.


So digital transformation is no longer an option, but a change that radically transforms the industry and makes construction companies more competitive and agile. Are you ready for change? Let's talk!


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