Alcedo is part of Alcedo Group and it is the leader in the distribution of plant protection products market.
The first year, Alcedo has generated a symbolic turnover of $400. Four years later, the company's turnover reached over 4 million lei and in 2000 it was close to 44 million lei. Because the company started to grow faster than the owners have anticipated and the information has increased exponentially, the management felt the need of a strong ERP system, able to support the accelerated
development of the company.
Market leader in plant protection distribution, Alcedo considered necessary to implement a flexible
ERP system, enabling company to continue its rapid growth. The choice to implement SocrateERP relied on the solution’s complexity and functionality.
Using BITSoftware`s ERP solution allowed Alcedo to obtain an organic growth of 30-40%
annually in turnover. The company management was also able to obtain the needed information on each item and supplier profitability, using the reports provided by SocrateERP.