Data is More Secure in Cloud than On Premises

Date: 02-12-2015
Author: Alina Răfoi



If cloud architecture were a human being, then it would be in its teens. Companies are still undecided about migrating to the cloud, because the cloud security related opinions are very divided, making cloud's image quite insecure. Consciously or not, we all use (more or less) cloud services. Only when it comes to sending sensitive data in the cloud, we begin to question their safety.

I'll  try to dispel myths about the lack of security in the cloud. This technology is safe and reliable. Cloud remains the safest data storage. Now let me explain to you why!


How is my Data Protected in the Cloud?

When data is uploaded to the cloud, it’s automatically encrypted. This method of data protection uses complex algorithms to make data impossible to decipher by others than its owner. Cloud providers have business continuity and data recovery plans in place to ensure that service can be maintained in case of a disaster or an emergency and that any data loss will be recovered. And last but not least, the investments made by cloud service vendors are superior to those made by those who own data centers, security methods are much more complex, offering a superior level of protection.


Can I Lose my Data in the Cloud?


Those who fear the cloud and prefer to keep the data on their own servers, think that they have better control. But what happens if the hardware fails? Data is lost. Cloud completely eliminates this problem, the data being stored on the drives in Data Centers protected by natural disasters or attacks. These centers use alternative sources of electricity and own power generators, which become operational immediately if an emergency strikes. These buildings are located in strategically selected areas with minimal risk of disasters, guarded and where access is controlled and closely monitored. Therefore, it is very unlikely to lose data in the cloud.


And this is why

Data is more secure in cloud services than on in-house servers, because the providers of such services make major investments in infrastructure, investments that are not justified by companies as they involve substantial costs. Security and privacy are the main objectives of cloud services and no supplier risks losing customers exposing themselves to external attacks caused by poor security.


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